Val de atacuri contra talibanilor. O bomba a ucis trei oficiali talibani la Jalalabad, alta bomba a explodat la Kabul
O serie de trei explozii au provocat sambata cel putin trei morti, printre care oficiali talibani, si aproximativ 20 de raniti in orasul afgan Jalalabad, anunta agentiile internationale de stiri. Explozia care a avut loc in capitala provinciei afgane Nangarhar a vizat vehicule ale talibanilor.
Tinta atacului au fost vehiculele care transportau oficiali talibani. Martorii spun ca o serie de trei explozii, care au vizat vehicule ale talibanilor in capitala provinciei afgane Nangarhar, din estul Afganistanului, s-a soldat cu cel putin trei morti si 20 de raniti, anunta Tolo News.
Local officials in Nangarhar province confirm that a roadside mine hit a Taliban forces vehicle on Saturday in Jalalabad’s PD6. Nangarhar provincial hospital officials said around 20 wounded have been transferred to the hospital, most of whom are civilians.#TOLOnews
— TOLOnews (@TOLOnews) September 18, 2021
21 killed or injured in an explosion in the eastern Jalalabad city of Afghanistan. Looks like ISIS would be doing what the Taliban were doing to the Afghan gov. In the midst of all this, Afghan people will suffer. Chapter II of the conflict has started & this will be deadlier.
— Zia Wahaj (@WahajZia) September 18, 2021
Oficiali talibani au confirmat pentru Agentia France Presse ca sunt 19 raniti in urma exploziilor.
Tot sambata, o bomba a explodat in capitala Kabul, ranind doua persoane, au declarat oficiali ai politiei. Tinta bombei de la Kabul nu a fost deocamdata identificata.
#JustIn | The second explosion today in Kabul: A Taliban vehicle was targeted and detonated in the Jalalabad area. Not yet any report of casualties and claims of responsibility; reports Tehran Times.#Afghanistan
— The Indian News (@IndianNewsEng) September 18, 2021
Nimeni nu si-a asumat inca responsabilitatea pentru atacul de la Jalalabad.
Jalalabad este al cincilea oras ca marime din Afganistan, care se afla la aproximativ 130 de kilometri de Kabul.
Exploziile au loc la putin timp dupa instalarea noului guvern taliban.